Do you come unglued? I mean, get really mad about the smallest things, or maybe they're not so small! This is me. I have been known to come unglued about things that really, in the long run, don't matter! I was so pleased when I found this devotional by Lysa Terkeurst. Lysa, like me, has a hard time keeping her emotions in check. I was so pleased when I found I wasn't the only person that had this problem. In this devotional, Lysa walks you through "60 days of imperfect progess". I learned a whole lot in this book. On day one, Lysa says,
"I'm sad because of the way I acted today. I'm disappointed in my lack of self control....I have to figure this out. What is my problem? Why can't I seem to control my reactions?"
I ask myself this same question, it seems, every single day. So, I started this 60 day journey, hoping I can learn to react in a loving way, instead of just exploding. I believe it has really helped!
Lysa really hits the nail on the head when she talks about everyday life and how it can just make you come unraveled! She is a woman who knows what it's like to be imperfect. In an age where we constantly see these perfect women at church, at work, on television...it seems everyone has it together but us...this woman admits that it's not always easy to just do the day to day! But she also knows that if you lean on the Word of God, and listen to what God says about you, then you can succeed!
On day 51, she said something so true... "What makes a woman tender also reveals her vulnerabilities. What makes a woman transparent also exposes her wounds. What makes a woman authentic also uncovers her insecurities. And there isn't a woman alive who likes being revealed, exposed and uncovered."
I am so glad I came across this book, and I thank Booksneeze for providing me with a copy. I would definitely recommend this book to any lady who sometimes has a hard time keeping it together.
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