Tuesday, November 15, 2005

No Room in the Inn

Okay...so it's not really an inn, but same concept! Can I sound-off for a minute? I am moving tomorrow and I still don't have a place to live in Pensacola! This is so crazy! I got on the phone yesterday and I started calling apartments...all listed in my apartment guide. But no one seems to have any available apartments! I've been told that because of the hurricanes, people are living in apartments because their homes were destroyed. Okay...so the two or three apartments I did find went way up on their prices! Talk about price gouging! One of them told me it was going to cost me $1,000 just to have my dog! ($500 for deposit, $500 for pet fee). In the book, it's listed as $200 pet fee! That's price gouging if you ask me! So, I have no idea what I'm going to do! I am hoping that I will get to Pensacola and find several apartments not listed in the apartment guide that have available units at an affordable price. If not, I may be forced to commute from Mobile where my grandmother lives. That's more than an hour away! Please pray for me!

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