Thursday, January 19, 2006


I felt I needed to edit this post a bit and delete the last post because I am learning that eyes are everywhere...even when you expect them not to be, so I didn't want to get myself into any trouble at work (if you know what I mean...I will explain later...but that's why the posts are gone for now...

Okay, the weirdest thing happened to me this morning... I had just finished my dull, boring show, a show that I want to do so much more with, but I'm not allowed...and came back into the newsroom...and Randy (my assistant boss) asked me how I was doing. He saw me after my meeting with Sue and knew it didn't go so well. So, he wanted to make sure I was okay. I told him I was fine...but he could still tell I wasn't happy (which I'm not). And then he proceeded to ask me, "You're not leaving us are you?" so I asked him..."why would you ask me that?" And he said he knows that several other places wanted me before I came here (which is true) and he thinks I am doing a wonderful job and doesn't want to see me leave. He said once things get back to normal in the newsroom, things will get better. So, I told him the only thing I could tell him. I said "Not right now."

Things were better today. I had Byron all the scripts on time...but that was only because I had a five minute "Lost" segment in my show. We recap the night before of the show "lost" and look into the hidden things on the island. I really hated this segment when I first got here because I feel it's not news, it shouldn't be there. But I have learned it is a nice break for me every week to not have to worry about filling that five minutes on Thursdays. Five minutes is a long time when you work in my business. And it's not the worst segment. I mean, I kind of enjoy it. I do love that show.

Tomorrow, we are having some awesome guests on our, if your in Pensacola, tune in. We will be talking to Jessica Lunsford's father. It should be an awesome interview.

Well, for now, I am going to keep my options open as far as this thing goes...and see what happens. I still feel this kind of opportunity may not come again for a very long time...
So, that's what's going on with me today. And the good news is Byron is not working tomorrow. So, I get a break. Yay!

I think tomorrow I might go to the beach. It isn't supposed to rain until tomorrow night and it should be close to 70 degrees, so it should be perfect. I really need a relaxing day like that. I'm going to take a blanket and a book and spend the afternoon...Maybe I'll even take my nap out there. It will be great! Count your blessings, no matter how small. Right?


Patti Doughty said...

Nicole, I found your Blog from a comment you posted on Bomba Days.

I find your posts very interesting. It was exciting to read about your career - something I know nothing about - and it's challenges - something I know volumes about.

I'll say a prayer for you that the Lord will open the door He wants you to walk through and slam all the others closed. That always makes it a little easier for me to discern His perfect will for me in any situation.

It's a very tough situation to go into a new position, but unbelievably tough when all the rules change. I spent my career working in Human Resources and was amazed at how many people never show up their first day on the job, just due to fear of the unknown. And having a new boss come in and change the rules is always awkward and unsettling. I think you're handling the situation smashingly.

All the best to you and I'll say that little prayer now.

Jamie said...

Spending a quiet day at the beach??? What's that like? I chase kids around when I go to teh beach. Forget sucking in your stomach and looking halfway decent in a swimsuit! :) But this is my season!

Nicole said...

Thank you for your thoughts and your prayers, Patti. I really appreciate it. I only want to do what's right.

Alex Fritz said...

My recommendation for the beach...

Bring ear plugs...

I wake up at night still thinking there's sad impacted in my ear drum :-p